A life of wearing nature’s colors for a long time
A life of wearing nature’s colors for a long time
Welcome to tezomeya!
The tezomeya studio is an open space that invites everyone to enjoy the natural beauty of naturet’s many arrays of color.
The dyes we use are the same as those from ancient times. The dye ingredients are mostly dried plants, which originated in traditional medicine.

Color and Plants
The colors of natural dye are entirely dependent upon which fabric and material they are applied. Cotton is especially difficult to dye, so choosing the dyestuff is crucial to creating somber, deep colors.
We really admire these deep, mute colors. In order to create these colors, we source cotton specifically to achieve these results.
We love to share our admiration of these colors with as many people as possible.

Color and Item
We have a variety of products but focus mainly on cut-sew and shirts. The main point is color, but textures also play a major role in our products. To compliment color and texture we use simple designs, with comfortable silhouettes. Each of our items are made with great care.
Color and Dyeing
All items are dyed in the studio. Depending on the items, we can dye up to four or five at one time. This process may take up to 3 to 4 days. Finished products, plus the entire dyeing process is observable if you visit our workshop.
Color consistency is our priority but as with natural dyes sometimes imperfections seep through the process. There may be slight differences between the same products, but this makes each one unique.

Color and After-Service
Compared to synthetic dyeing, natural dyes fade quickly over time. Color loss is unavoidable but we try our upmost to make colors that last. We offer a Free Re-Dyeing Service to keep the colors fresh. If the color fades to something you don’t like, we will try our best to dye it to a color that you love.
This service is guaranteed for the life of your product. So please enjoy our products for many years! For this service please read Free Re-Dyeing Service page.